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Welcome to the MHJA account sign-on!
Please sign on to your account using your email and password.  If you forgot or require your password, please select "request password" below.  If you have any questions, please email:

For those who had Family Memberships:  They have all been converted to Senior/Junior memberships.  To access each membership account, enter the email originally used and select "reset passwordThere will then be a pop up asking which account the request is for.  Each account must have a separate password. If you have any issues please email:

Memberships required at each show:
Victoria Day - Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) & MHJA Heritage or Senior/Junior MHJA
Summer Smiles EC  - MHC, Equestrian Canada (EC) bronze license or higher, Senior/Junior MHJA
Beach Party - MHC, EC Silver or higher, MHJA Senior/Junior
Heart of the Continent - MHC, EC Gold, MHJA Junior/Senior
Summer Out of the City - MHC, MHJA Heritage or Senior/Junior MHJA
Fall Harvest ECMHC, Equestrian Canada (EC) bronze license or higher, Senior/Junior MHJA 
Jump Into Fall - MHC & MHJA Heritage or Senior/Junior MHJA

*A 2.9% credit card/processing fee ('tax rate') will appear as part of the membership fee

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